
When EAGLES Talk

The purpose of the EAGLE Club Network is…Preparing Teens and Young Adults to Transition from Followers into Leaders who are Agents of Change while simultaneously setting boundaries from all risk behavior ( i.e., Drugs, alcohol, violence, bullying and all pre-mature sexual activity).

About the Hosts

When EAGLES Talk

Dr. Diana E. Clemons

EAGLE Club Network
We are the Future Emerging and Aspiring Global Leaders and Entrepreneurs (EAGLE).
Citizens of Dallas Ft. Worth TX Metropolitan communities and Globally, Don’t Click Off!
Future Leaders Outreach Network (FLON), Parents, Caregivers, other Adults, and Collaborative Partners presents a unique broadcast “For Teens and Young Adults” hosted by Teens and Young Adults in the “Green Bowl” every Saturday, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm.
The broadcast is EAGLE Club Network
The acronym for EAGLE is…
Emerging and Aspiring Global Leaders and Entrepreneurs
Our EAGLE Club Network hook is…
” We Thought You Oughta Know!”
The broadcast format is developed to share motivational, inspirational, and life-changing information that supports our program – Pursue Your Dreams EAGLE Club Project that is implemented through the Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP), funded by the Family Youth Services Bureau ( FYSB).
Students from various schools, community, and faith-based organizations and ministries in the Dallas-Fort Worth area who are a part of the Future Leaders Outreach Network Pursue Your Dreams EAGLE Club Project program will assist with hosting the weekly broadcast.
The teens and young adults under the leadership of Dr. Diana E. Clemons, Executive Director and Staff Associates of FLON, along with parents, caregivers, and collaborative partners will assist the students with various tasks as well will be guest on the broadcast.
The objective of the broadcast is to empower teens and young adults to set boundaries from risk behaviors in order to stay focused on pursuing their dreams.
Slogan:  Leaders Are Like Eagles Soaring To Reach the Top of the Summit, the highest point to reach.
To learn more about FLON, become an EAGLE Club Ambassador Member and or to be a guest on our broadcast, contact Dr. Diana E. Clemons at (817) 678-4695. Visit our website www.flon.org or Email Us:  info@flon.org
Also, Like US on Facebook and watch our broadcast as scheduled on Facebook Live.

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