
The Interview with Sammi G.

The Interview is hosted by, long time radio personality, Sammi G. Sammi is also the founder and owner of FishBowl Radio Network, FishBowl Studios and Radio4aReason. On, The Interview, Sammi focuses on interviewing; authors, music artists & entrepreneurs. The show offers listeners a behind the scenes look at how these individuals began their journey and deeps into who they are as people and not only creatives. If you are an author, music artist or entrepreneur and would like to be a featured guest on, “The Interview with Sammi G.” reach out to us at, 817-832-0081. “Jump In!”

About the Hosts


Go behind the scenes of Fishbowl Studios with FBRN’s CEO and Founder, Sylvia AKA: (Sammi  G.) St.John-Martinez and listen live for exclusive interviews from not only the amazing FishBowl Radio Network Hosts but also; authors, sports figures, music artists, business owners and more! If you would like to be featured on, “The Interview” email us at sammi@fishbowlradio.com today!

Check out all of the fbrn.us shows by clicking HERE!


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The Interview with Sammi G.

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