
D.D. Ingram Show

The D.D. Ingram show consists of four inspiring personalities with Hollywood appeal and a dynamic message.
This show is family friendly and has gained great reviews. Not only are they entertaining and informative but they have a strong form of ministry backed by motivational speaking that allows the listening audience to relax, engage, and laugh at the same time.

The D.D.Ingram show dispenses their brand of talk radio. The medicine they prescribe is Light Humor. Old Folk Wisdom, and a whole lot of personal experience. Hmmm!!! Just what the doctor ordered…..We strongly recommend that you add the D.D. Ingram Show to your radio diet.

About the Hosts

DD Ingram

Hi, I’m the host of a show on the Fishbowl Radio Network. I love having the opportunity to share my thoughts and opinions with listeners from all over the world. Being one of the FBRN hosts has been great in helping me grow my show and connect with more people.

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D.D. Ingram Show

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